Florida’s contractors, architects, engineers, and trades professionals share a common goal of building a better
Florida through use of hurricane-related mitigation techniques and energy-efficiency standards.
Construction professionals can meet these challenges thanks to a grant from the Florida Department of Community Affairs, Building a Safer Florida, Inc. and its affiliated organizations. Most importantly, meeting these challenges has never been so it…and it’s all FREE.
Building A Better Florida is providing building professionals with the tools they need to meet these challenges:
- Online video seminar covering the significant changes to the Florida Building Code.
- A 12-stop “Building A Better Florida” Road Show offering free CEU training on building code/mitigation requirements, energy code compliance requirements, and most recent information on building codes and insurance discounts from the 2010 Legislative Session. (Mid-May through Mid-June.)
- Exhibits of storm-protection products and resources in the “Hurricane Alley” section of the 2010 Southeast Building Conference/Green Building Show in
Orlando .
- A “Building A Better Florida” day on Saturday, July 24 at the 2010 Southeast Building Conference/Green Building Show in
For planning purposes, the 12-stop “Building A Better Florida” Road Show will take place in 12 different cities between mid-May and mid-June. Check back soon for the complete schedule and locations and registration information.