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Who is Building a Safer Florida
In 2001, Florida passed a Unified Building Code that required design and construction licensees to comply with standards that would make buildings more resistant to the devastation of hurricanes and other weather disasters.
Building a Safer Florida (BASF), made up of the state’s major design and construction organizations, serves as a clearinghouse for accurate, accessible and uniform information that helps architects, engineers, builders, contractors and other building professionals comply with the Florida Unified Building Code.
BASF also partners with government agencies, the state’s universities and other groups involved with the Florida Building Code to provide the education and resources that licensees need to help build a safer Florida.
Building A Safer Florida, Inc.
4883 Highgrove RoadTallahassee, Florida 32309
Mail address:
4883 Highgrove Road
Tallahassee, Florida 32309
Telephone: 850-222-2772
Fax: 850-894-0502